getting involved

In addition to the areas listed below, we are always looking for volunteers for special events.  

Sign up sheets can be found in the fellowship area of the church.

  • choir

    Choir rehearses at 8:15 AM prior to church on Sundays. 

    We do not meet together during the summer.

  • Women of Hope

    All women members are invited to join our meetings on the 3rd Monday several months of the year at 6:00pm. Proceeds from our events, such as bake sales, help with church projects, community support etc.  See our Women of Hope page on this website for more information.

  • Men's Breakfast Devotion

    8:00 AM the first and third Tuesdays of the month in the lower level at church..  Check HERE for details.

  • Be a Greeter

    This is a great way to get to know your fellow members whether you're new to the Church or been around a while.

  • usher

    We're always looking for individuals or teams.

  • Altar Guild

    One member is needed each week to set up and take down the altar every service. Schedule is usually set for 1 month at a time.

  • Sunday Morning Fellowship

    Check out our sign-up sheet in the narthex and consider choosing a Sunday to donate baked goods or a snack for our Sunday fellowship time.  Any type of cake or dessert is appreciated, and it can be store bought as well.  It is also appreciated if you are able to add one healthy choice, such as fruit, cheese, bagels, crackers, nuts/trail mix, etc., but it is not necessary.  Keep it simple. We’ll need the equivalent of approximately three 9x13 pans, so feel free to grab a partner and be a team! If you prefer not to commit to a Sunday and see baked goods on sale, they can be brought in and put in the freezer for any Sunday.


    Blessings!     Dawn Oswald  

  • trustees

    We have a Trustee group that helps around the church the first Saturday of the month at 8-11:00 AM.  Also, if you enjoy doing any home repairs or improvements and would like to pitch in, we can always use your help.  Contact Jim Tonkinson for info. 

  • AV Team

    Are you familiar with computers or sound systems?

    The AV team produces the livestream service.

    We're looking for helpers to assist when one or more of us are out of town.

    We'll train you and practice with you before you "go live". Join us!