address and directions

Hope is located at:

876 Lance Dr

Twin Lakes, WI 53181

We are right next to the police station in Twin Lakes.

Click here for a Google map to get directions:



Phone 262-877-4381

Follow & "Like" us on Facebook at: Hope Lutheran Church, Twin Lakes, WI


Nadine Kelm (Church Secretary)

Note:  The link to the email address only works with Outlook express.  Copy and paste address if a browser does not open.

Service Times

Our regular services are at the following times throughout the year:  Sunday: 9:00 am (all year)

Special Services (COVID-19) Mask Required, social distancing required, 

no fellowship time after church, no personal contact, no communion. 

9:30 Saturday mornings until further notice. 

Bible Study times are (please check in advance to verify)

Sundays following Worship

Wednesdays at 6:30pm (except during Advent and Lent)

Advent and Lenten Midweek services are

Wednesday: 7:00 pm

Special service times are

Ash Wednesday 7:00 pm

Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm

Good Friday 7:00 pm

Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 am and Easter Morning Service 9:30 am

Thanksgiving Eve 7:00 pm

Christmas Eve 7:00 pm

Christmas Day 10:00 am