Please Pray for
Peter Voigt, Mike and Tabra Gomski, Paul and Beth Schneider, Josh Walton, Dave Peschke and Reverend Dr. Timothy Oswald.
Pray for our Pastor and his family
Reverend Dr. Timothy Oswald and Dawn
Elders and Council of Hope
Almighty and Eternal God, You have adopted Your people as sons and daughters and brought them into the glorious kingdom of Your Son Jesus Christ. In His name, we call upon you from our hearts to move among us mightily. Do not look at our failures, our shortcomings, our uncertainties, and our fears. We repent of these and place them into your hands. Look instead upon the words and promises that You have given. Accomplish Your purposes in us. Look especially upon those whom you have called into ministry of Word and Sacrament, and those called to special positions of leadership or service within Christ’s church. Enflame their hearts with passion for your service. Re-energize their lives with boundless power in the Holy Spirit. Renew their appreciation and comprehension of your Word. Fill every cavity of their lives with abiding love for You. Break the restraints of every curse and detriment to service that would adhere in their old Adam. When their lives are reviewed on the day of judgment and the curtain is pulled back, may it be seen that You Yourself were mighty, unrestrained, and unquenchable in the active employment of their lives for your glory. Amen.