What Does Women of hope do?

  • Spring baby shower for A Place of Refuge in Milwaukee.
  • We have a large bake sale at Berkott's
  • Mite boxes for the District LWML
  • Host a Spring/Summer Luncheon for all the Women of Hope.
  • Meetings Monthly, Devotion, Bible Study, planning meeting
  • Holiday Bake sale for Trees on Parade.
  • Participate in Operation Christmas Child
  • Last fall we donated 30 backpacks filled with school supplies for kids in Twin Lakes.
  • Donate money to various missions. 
  • Prayer sister program.
  • Provide meals our to any members in need due to sickness, or just generally in need.
  • Some of our Ladies donate time volunteering at The Shalom Center in Kenosha.
  • Provided gifts at Christmas time to children in our local area with parents incarcerated.

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