Wednesday March 5th: Ash Wednesday Service
Dinner @ 6:00 PM in the Lower Level, Service at 7:00 PM
Wednesday March 12th: First Wednesday Lenten Service
Dinner @ 6:00 PM in the Lower Level, Service at 7:00 PM
Wednesday March 19th: Second Wednesday Lenten Service
Dinner @ 6:00 PM in the Lower Level, Service at 7:00 PM
Wednesday March 26th: Third Wednesday Lenten Service
Dinner @ 6:00 PM in the Lower Level, Service at 7:00 PM
Wednesday April 2nd: Fourth Wednesday Lenten Service
Dinner @ 6:00 PM in the Lower Level, Service at 7:00 PM
Wednesday April 9th: Fifth Wednesday Lenten Service
Dinner @ 6:00 PM in the Lower Level, Service at 7:00 PM
Thursday April 17th: Maundy Thursday Service
Service begins at 7:00 PM
Friday April 18th: Good Friday Service
Service begins at 7:00 PM
Saturday April 19th: Saturday Morning Service
Service begins at 9:30 AM
Sunday April 20th: Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service begins at 7:00 AM
Easter Breakfast begins at 8:00 AM
Easter Service begins at 9:30 AM
Please Join Us for the Lenten Suppers at 6:00 PM on Wednesdays. All are welcome to enjoy wonderful food and fellowship. It is a great opportunity to talk to your fellow Hope friends who don't sit next to you in Church. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you would like to host, help, or provide food: (Soup/Hot Dish; Sandwich; Salad, or Dessert). Come hungry and see you there!